Allen-Womack, Melinda and her husband Dave
Batten, Larry and his wife Sandra
Bockhouse, George and his wife Donna
Cattoir-Spiess, Dorothy
Clark-Gale, Connie and her husband Warren
Copeland, Warren and his wife Clara
Culley-Stark, Barbara
DeJaegher, Joe and his wife Debbi
DeBoo-Short, Jan and her husband Edward
Ditch, Gene and his wife Mary
Engholm, Albert
Eshelman-Guldenpfennig, Dianne and her husband Ken
Fanter, Art and his wife Diane
Fluegel, Bob
Frels, Dale and his wife Bonnie
Garcia-Mawson, Irene
Gerlach, Ernie and his wife Geri
Gnatovich, John
Griffin, Mike and his wife Janet
Hamrick, Robert and his wife Donna (Knight)*
Hanson-Pilon, Sandy and her husband Mark
Hart-Ball, Nancy and her husband Bob
Hart-Sheehan, Connie and her guest Jo Hurd
Held, Gene and his wife Pat
Herstedt, David and his wife Susan
Higgerson-Worthington, Anita
Higgerson, Bonita
Huff-Snyder, Kathy and her guest Ron
Hunter, Todd
Isom, Jerrold
Janowski, Jim and his wife Judie
Kincaid, James
Knight-Hamrick, Donna*
Knight-Butcher, Sandra and her husband Bob
Lange-Millen, Linda and her husband Gary
Liebovitz, Dick and his wife Karen (Ragan)*
Littlewood-Murphy, Carol*
Lohse, John and his wife Ellen
Lovett, Tom
Lydon-McAllister, Sharon
Mackey-Schnowske, Norine and her husband Larry
Madson, Don and his wife Debbie
Martens-Graham, Nancy
Martin, Steve and his wife Shirley
Massa-Rosenberry, Ella
Meyer, Dennis and his wife Rosie
Mohr, Eugene and his wife Marlene
Moody-Sanders, Kathleen and her sister Shirley Nelson
Morgan, Jim and his wife Margo
Murdock, Cecil and his wife Phyllis
Murphy, Ron and his wife Carol (Littlewood)*
Murphy-Collins, Sharon and her husband Al
Norgren-Howard, Karen and her husband Phillip
O'Bleness, Gerald and his wife Janice
Powell-Morgan, Paula and her husband Lane
Priebe, Dan and his wife Nadine (Womack)*
Ragan-Leibovitz, Karen*
Reid-Campbell, Carolyn and her husband Dick
Roberts, John
Robinson, Larry and his guest Connie Day
Root-Nicol, Marilyn and her husband Dick
Sanders-Sallee, Vivian and her sister Joyce Reeves
Sauser, Bob and his wife Judi
See-Oltman, Janet and her husband Jim
Shull-Jay, Karen
Strader-Coopman, Betty and her husband Pete
Sunken-Dykes, Carletta
Swails-Clark, Barbara and her husband John
Sweat, Herb and his wife Barbara
Swift, Gary and his wife Vickie
Thiem-Davis, Karen and her husband Jimmie
Thomas, Robert and his wife Joanne
Thomas-Alexander, Eileen
Tweddell-Shockley, Sandy and her husband Terry
VanBell, Dick and his wife Diane
Wells-Massa, Mary Lou and her husband Chuck
Wise-Moore, Jeannette and her husband Richard
Womack-Priebe, Nadine*
Zukas, John
Ward, Dorothy and her guest Lois Wehner (McCreight)
Zimmerman, Al
* Note: Names followed by an asterisk (*) represent classmates who married classmates, and both names are listed.